Here’s a fun and easy way to surprise your loved ones on Valentine’s day! Enjoy this simple recipe and let us know how you like it!!
- 2 cups non-dairy milk
- 4-5 strawberries (or more if you want more flavor)
- 1-2 tbsp agave (if desired)
- Blend the milk, strawberries and agave in the blender for 20-30 seconds or until well blended.
- Serve into two glasses.
- Enjoy!

Pour it over your cereal or enjoy it straight from the glass. Or even eadd blended strawberries to your favorite waffle or pancake recipe for another healthy pink breakfast! On Valentine’s morning, I’ll use a heart template to carve out pink heart-shaped pancakes.
I also experimented with Pomegranate juice as an alternative to strawberries, but the milk was a little too purple instead of pink. Check out the difference (Pomegranate on left, Strawberries on right)
And have a healthy, happy, wonderful Valentine’s Day!
Click here for details and video to make this Jar of Hearts I Love You card.
Enjoy! Julie

kristin reichert says:
You make a valid point. Honey is a great alternative as well to normal sugar or agave. Some also prefer Stevia as an option. Thanks for the input!
Have fun making these for Scarlett!
Lisa says:
So I knew everyone thinks agave is so great, but it is pretty much pure fructose! Not a healthy alternative, use honey instead if you must sweeten. Thanks for the ideas though! Scarlett will be getting strawberry milk and pink pancakes for Valentine’s day breakfast!