
I’m sure, just like me, you have thrown away a few stalks of celery in your lifetime. I can’t even imagine how many I have thrown away because I only needed one or two stalks for each recipe. It drives me crazy to waste all that extra celery, but I never remembered to use up the rest. Here is the money-saving solution: freeze the leftovers!

It’s such a simple solution and it really doesn’t take long. It’s great too because then the next time a recipe calls for celery, you don’t have to go out and buy yet another head of celery. When I freeze one head of celery I am able to use if for 4-5 different recipes before I need to buy more. Feel free to freeze more than this too if you’d like to just stock up and have a bunch ready for you.

Here are the steps:

1.Place a medium sized pot of water on a burner and bring to a boil

2. While you’re waiting for the water to boil, prepare your celery. Separate and wash each individual stalk of celery.

3. Chop the celery into 1 inch pieces.


4. Once your pot of water is at a rolling boil, place your chopped celery into the water and set a timer for 3 minutes.


5. While the celery is boiling prepare an ice bath by placing a couple of handfuls of ice in a bowl and adding about 2 cups of water.


6. Once your timer goes off, strain the celery and place it into your prepared ice bath to stop the celery from cooking further. Stir them around a bit to speed up the cooling process.

7. remove the celery pieces from the ice bath and set them out to dry on a dry towel.

8. Grab a freezer bag and write “Celery” and the date on your freezer bag.


9. Once the celery is dry, place it in a freezer bag and remove as much air as possible.


10. I believe that the frozen celery is good for up to a year, but I’ve never been able to test this theory because ours has never lasted this long, I use it up too quickly.

How to: Blanch and Freeze Celery
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
  • 1 head of celery
  • ice and water
  1. Place a medium sized pot of water on a burner and bring to a boil
  2. While you're waiting for the water to boil, prepare your celery. Separate and wash each individual stalk of celery.
  3. Chop the celery into 1 inch pieces.
  4. Once your pot of water is at a rolling boil, place your chopped celery into the water and set a timer for 3 minutes.
  5. While the celery is boiling prepare an ice bath by placing a couple of handfuls of ice in a bowl and adding about 2 cups of water.
  6. Once your timer goes off, strain the celery and place it into your prepared ice bath to stop the celery from cooking further. Stir them around a bit to speed up the cooling process.
  7. remove the celery pieces from the ice bath and set them out to dry on a dry towel.
  8. Once the celery is dry, place it in a labeled freezer bag. Don't forget to write "Celery" and the date on your freezer bag.
  9. I believe that the frozen celery is good for up to a year, but ours has never lasted this long.

Good luck on your celery-freezing endeavors!


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  1. nancy says:

    You have educated me today, Kristin! Thank you! Still, I don’t cook much these days but I sure could have used this as a young homemaker! You are a smart cookie!

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