I love baking with my daughter. Look at that happy face! Who wouldn’t?! It’s so fun to watch her grow and learn new things through baking. Although there are plenty of times when I just want to pull my hair out or throw in the towel and say ENOUGH to the mess, I really do feel that there is a wonderful bonding experience that can happen through baking/cooking together. Every time I step into the kitchen my daughter come running yelling “Help me!? Help me!?” (she get’s he “you” and “me” mixed up). She just loves being mommy’s little helper.
I also feel that it is so important to keep your kids involved in the cooking and baking that goes on at your house so they learn the skill. It will be an invaluable skill that they will need if they are to carry on the lifestyle you have raised them on. I’m sure you already know the importance of a home cooked meal, but have you thought about the years of practice you had in order to make that home cooked meal without burning it? Or how to successfully follow a recipe? How did you learn? If not from your mother or father, don’t you wish it would have been from them?
One of my favorite things about vegan/plant based baking is that you don’t have to worry about any raw ingredients making you sick! It’s so great! I always grew up loving to eat the batter of the cookie dough, but was always nervous that I had eaten too much and would get sick off of it. I love that I can literally hand over a large spoonful to my daughter and it’s just as good for her as the cooked version.
Another thing that I love about baking with my daughter is that she is my biggest fan! She will eat(or at least try) just about anything I make. Most of the time she will eat as much as I am willing to give her. She always raises my baking/cooking self-esteem!
Do you enjoy baking with your kid(s)?