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RSS Channel: Cookies – Green Leaves and Jam, a Plant-Based Diet
Supporting you and your plant-based diet

Valentine’s Day Healthy Thumbprint Cookies
  Valentine’s day is shortly approaching. Everyone knows that Valentine’s day is notorious for being a day full of sugary, unhealthy treats that leave you feeling awful at the end of the day. Well, why not try a healthier option that still feels like a fun splurge? My daughter and I had a lot of […]
Cranberry and Chocolate Chip Granola Cookies (Gluten free)
Can you believe that it’s almost April? I feel like it was just Christmas! I’m extremely excited for April especially though because we will move into our new house (first house!) on April 1st! Just a few short days away! Something I can’t wait for: having my kitchen far away from my daughter’s room so […]