Homemade Peanut Butter

I really like to have healthy peanut butter but I hate paying the price for the healthier versions. I thought to myself the other day “why not make it?” So i did. I just used my food processor and blended the ingredients and it was super tasty.  I don’t think that I will always be homemaking my own peanut butter from hear on out, but I’ll probably make it every once in a while when we run out of store-bought peanut butter. There is just something so awesome and kind  of satisfying about having your own homemade peanut butter. I was so proud of it, just ask my husband!lol

Homemade Peanut Butter3

I used sea salt though and I felt that it was too salty for my family’s taste buds, so I would recommend using normal salt and adding it in slowly while tasting it as you to to make sure it’s not too much for you.

Homemade Peanut Butter2

Homemade Peanut Butter
Cook time
Total time
This made 2 small jars full, or probably one large jar.
  • 4 cups peanuts (I used roasted)
  • 4 tsp agave or maple syrup
  • ½ tsp salt
  • up to 3 tsp oil
  1. In a food processor or blender, blend your peanuts until they are smooth. This took about 7 minutes in my food processor. Add in the remaining ingredients and blend again until they are all mixed in. For the salt and the oil, add them in slowly. Only add the amount that you think your peanut butter actually needs.

I hope that when you’re done making your homemade peanut butter that you will be just as proud of it as I was! Enjoy!


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