Healthy Double Chocolaty Chip Frappe (Non-Caffeinated)

I grew up loving Starbuck’s Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino (which by the way is one of the few items on Starbuck’s menu that is caffeine-free). This was something that I have built into myself to crave every time I walk into an airport. I got them a lot, but for some reason, every time I went on a flight I would pick one of these up as a little treat for myself. To be honest, I think it’s been over a year since I had one.. to be honest I can’t even remember the last time I had one (it’s probably better that way..).

I saw this recipe online for these “Healthy Wendy’s Frosty’s”. (Here is the link for the pin: I can’t seem to find the actual creator of the recipe though..)Maybe you’ve seen that circling around Pinterest as well. When I made it I was a little disappointed because besides the fact that it was cold and chocolaty, I didn’t feel it was much like a Wendy’s Frosty. I then started to experiment and realized that with a few small tweaks, it was a great substitute for my favorite little Starbucks Frappe, the Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino.

Healthy Double Chocolaty Chip Frappe (non-caffeinated)

I haven’t actually tried it with vegan whip cream and chocolate sauce because I wanted to keep it healthy, but maybe if I’m feeling really indulgent one day I might give it a try.

One thing that I love about this for a dessert is that after I drink it down there is no guilt. I feel that I got a large dessert and feel totally satisfied, but I don’t feel like I’m going to weigh 5 lbs more the next day. I love that it’s mostly healthy ingredients. Non-dairy milk and ice, a banana, and cocoa. Then just a touch of unhealthy-ness: a little agave and chocolate chips. See what I mean?! No guilt!:)

Healthy Double Chocolaty Chip Frappe (Non-caffeinated)

5.0 from 1 reviews
Healthy Double Chocolaty Chip Frappe
Prep time
Total time
Makes 2 large cups or 3 small ones.
Serves: 2-3
  • 1½ cups non-dairy milk (I use unsweetened soy milk)
  • 30 ice cubes
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 4 tbsp cocoa
  • 1 medium banana*
  • 2 tbsp agave, maple syrup or honey
  • 3-4 tbsp chocolate chips
  1. In the blender add in your milk, ice cubes, vanilla, cocoa, banana and agave. Blend until there aren't any large chunks of ice cubes. Remember, you're trying to mimic the consistency of Starbucks' Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino, so leave it icy and don't over blend it into just a liquid.
  2. Add in your chocolate chips and blend again just long enough for them to break up into little chunks (again, just like Starbucks' frappucino).
*You want your banana to be ripe, but try to not let it be too over ripe. The more ripe it is, the stronger the banana flavor will be in your drink.

Hope you enjoy this as much as we do!


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  1. cathleen says:

    I make a similar recipe except I don’t use agave, I use liquid vanilla Stevia from Whole Foods and a big spoon of fresh peanut butter and almond milk….I use the full fat cocoa powder from Penzey’s…my favorite cocoa powder…this is the closest thing to dessert that we eat and it is pretty amazing….I like your garnish of chocolate chips’

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