One of my priorities when we set up this website was a great format to share recipes with you. I love the solution we found that allows you to click print and bring up a printer-friendly formatted recipe complete with a picture! So cool! We hope you are enjoying this feature. To browse the recipes on the blog, click the recipe tab above or hover over it and choose a recipe category from the drop down menu. (Click on the pictures in this post to get the recipes.)
Did you also know that we’ve made it super easy for you to pin recipes to Pinterest? Just open the blog post and hover over one of the pictures in the post, click ‘pin it’ button that appears in the top right corner, choose your board, add your description and hit ‘pin’. We love pinterest for organizing recipes and other great ideas. You can follow Kristin here or me here.
In addition, you can find us on facebook. After you ‘like’ the page, hover over the ‘liked’ button and click ‘get notifications’ and when something is posted there you’ll be notified. Super handy and you won’t miss a thing! And be sure to join in the conversation. This is a chance for you to tell us what your biggest questions and challenges are. Are you still not sure what to eat for lunch? Do you have picky kids and you’re wondering how to get them to eat more vegetables? These questions have been asked and answered. Ask away! Also, if you love something you see, hit ‘share’ and let your friends know. They’ll be glad you did!
Sometimes I find that people are confused about the likes on facebook. Liking a status update or a picture is not the same as liking a page. If you like a status update or picture you won’t know when there is info up in the future, but if you like the page you can get future updates in your facebook feed.
Do you have a question or comment? We would love to hear from you. Leave a comment below.
🙂 Julie