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RSS Channel: kristin reichert – Green Leaves and Jam, a Plant-Based Diet
Supporting you and your plant-based diet

Make Oat Groats in your Crock-pot
My family and I have a smoothie every morning for breakfast. After our smoothie, my kids eat a bowl or two of oatmeal to finish filling them up. Just recently I discovered oat groats, and we will never go back! Oat groats are essentially the oat kernel that has been removed from the inedible hard […]
True confessions… at the doctor’s
I have people ask me all the time how things are with 3 little ones. To be honest, it’s great. The kids really do pretty well over all. Occasionally I have moments of feeling like I’m drowning, but really it’s been totally manageable and fun. That being said… want to hear about my Monday adventures […]
Creamy Sweet Potato and Broccoli Soup
On Saturday we had a lot of yard work to do. While the younger kids napped I set Sydney up with a movie to watch while I went outside to help. When I came back in to  get the little guys up from naps and make lunch I asked Sydney to sit in a chair […]
I’m pretty chunky..
Sydney has a friend over this morning to play and so that means I get/got (since they’re in bed now) some extra time with my two boys! Athens reminds me so much of Rome when he was little. He is so happy and easy going. Maybe he came that way because he knew that he […]
Home Remodel – Kitchen and Living Room Redo
If I was to say that I have had fun remodeling my house, that would be a MASSIVE understatement! It took a fair amount of time to get it to where it is now, but I LOVE it! There were so many late nights, set backs and budget surprises, but it was well worth it […]
To TV or Not to TV, that is the Question..
TV. It’s one of those nagging topics that just sits at the back of your mind and is discussed by all moms everywhere. I too have struggled with this question.When I first started having kids I had decided that I would never (NEVER EVER SAY NEVER…) let my kids watch TV or movies before she […]
Flippity Flip Flop Flip, Dinner Flop.
One of the major problems with experimentation in cooking is sometimes there are flops. Sometimes there are flops and sometimes your kids know they are flops. And sometimes your kids stick their finger in your big flop of a dinner to let you know they know it was a FLOP. Thanks kid. I couldn’t tell […]
Cheezy Broccoli Casserole
I am so excited to have my husband on board with GreenLeavesAndJam. He has been talking about this for a little while so I’m glad he finally just went for it. It will be great having his perspective on things and his different pieces of advice. PLUS he is much more organized than I am […]