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RSS Channel: vegan – Green Leaves and Jam, a Plant-Based Diet
Supporting you and your plant-based diet

Make Oat Groats in your Crock-pot
My family and I have a smoothie every morning for breakfast. After our smoothie, my kids eat a bowl or two of oatmeal to finish filling them up. Just recently I discovered oat groats, and we will never go back! Oat groats are essentially the oat kernel that has been removed from the inedible hard […]
Favorite Vegan Buys at Costco
When I first started eating a more plant based diet, I was worried about all the “work” it would take. The thought of even putting a ton of effort into finding a snack that was vegan seemed daunting. But once I started looking at labels, I was surprised to find it wasn’t as hard as […]
Vegan Blueberry Zucchini Bread
Cooking with a baby is a talent. Stir together… wait, what did I just add? Ooop. Baby is ripping off dog’s ears. And now I’ll add the flour. No, I just added flour. Time to feed baby! Yes, it takes a little longer and there are more distractions but it just makes me feel super […]
Cheezy Broccoli Casserole
I am so excited to have my husband on board with GreenLeavesAndJam. He has been talking about this for a little while so I’m glad he finally just went for it. It will be great having his perspective on things and his different pieces of advice. PLUS he is much more organized than I am […]
A Husband’s perspective on a Vegan / Plant-based lifestyle
Hello everyone! My name is Joel and I’m Kristin’s husband. I thought I’d join onto her blog as a contributing author. I’m not much of a cook so I probably won’t post any recipes unless I am really ambitious and give one a shot. I leave the cooking up to my wife. I wanted to […]
Vegan Quesadillas
Remember those vegan quesadillas I talked about? Well here they are! Sounds weird that a quesadilla could be vegan but these ones are and they are so delicious! The first time I made this for dinner I got a text from my husband at lunch time the next day telling me he was dreaming of […]