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RSS Channel: quick and easy – Green Leaves and Jam, a Plant-Based Diet
Supporting you and your plant-based diet

Fresh French Tomato Soup
Well, things are moving along here. Although my kids aren’t in school yet, it’s still a marker for me for the beginning of fall-ish time (which means pumpkin recipes!:) ) and just a new chapter of the year in general. School started for everyone here today, so we headed over to the park to soak […]
Homemade Popcorn, A delicious healthy and easy snack
I grew up in a family that LOVES popcorn. My family traditions often included popcorn and peanut m&m’s (and still do most of the time). We hardly ever sat down to a movie together without having some popcorn at the least, but usually it was accompanied by peanut m&m’s. When I went out to college […]
Vegan Green Goddess Rice
In March, we planted some vegetables in our backyard. And when I say “we” I mean, my husband. My husband has a green thumb. I repeat, MY HUSBAND has a green thumb. I have though, very much enjoyed the fruits of his labor. We happen to have basil coming out of our ears right now […]
Vegan Quesadillas
Remember those vegan quesadillas I talked about? Well here they are! Sounds weird that a quesadilla could be vegan but these ones are and they are so delicious! The first time I made this for dinner I got a text from my husband at lunch time the next day telling me he was dreaming of […]
Spicy Black Bean Soup
 Hello! I’m new here! My name is Danielle and I am Kristin’s cousin. I am so thrilled to be working with her on this blog! We are buddies. Cue adorable childhood photo (yeah, don’t worry, I was always awkwardly taller than everyone else)- I’m currently working and living in Arizona while my husband, Sean, is […]
Homemade Granola with Almonds, Craisins and Chocolate
On Sunday someone from my church brought some homemade granola for everyone, and it was so tasty that I decided that little amount wasn’t enough. So I researched some granola recipes and made some of my own! I found the recipe on Chow.com. Here is the link for that recipe: http://www.chow.com/recipes/30062-basic-granola It calls for honey, […]
Mixed Berry Chia Seed Jam
My little guy is just over 2 months old now and I finally feel like I’m getting back into the swing of things. My long list of projects is finally starting to get tackled. For instance, yesterday I spent my alone time (the kids’ nap time) fixing 3 shirts that I bought a little while […]
Healthy Sauteed Vegetables
The 4th of July has come and gone. I think we really should call it Independence Day as that more accurately describes why we celebrate the 4th. Sadly sometimes I fear we don’t spend enough time recognizing the true meaning of important holidays. In church yesterday we stood and sang the Star-spangled Banner and I […]