Choosing Healthy Options at Restaurants: My Journey
If you are anything like me, then you have an internal struggle every single time you go out to eat. Do you use this chance and have that 10% dietary splurge? Or do you still try to stay closer to your diet for the health benefits? The last few weekends for me have been interesting
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Our Regular Shopping Trip
We shop for food every 2 weeks. We have a small enough family now that we have the luxury of doing this. They say that as a national average you should expect to spend about 100 per month per person. Interperet that how you will. We have decided on a monthly food budget of $280
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My Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets
I have put together a list of my top 10 favorite kitchen gadgets and tools. These are all the things that I either use on a very regular basis, or that I have just found useful and I feel were worth the purchase. 1. A good blender. The blender that my husband and I received
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Healthy Peanut Butter Syrup
I love pancakes. If you don’t already know this about me, then you will quickly learn this fact as you check out our blog. We have pancakes every Sunday. I used to make homemade maple syrup..you know the stuff that is 2 cups of sugar with 1 cup of water.. yeah that stuff. We also
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Carrot “Hot Dogs”
My husband was really reluctant when I mentioned that I had planned carrot hot dogs for one of the meal for that week. He isn’t much of a carrot fan, but I decided that I really wanted to give it a try anyway. What was the verdict? He really liked them! We both felt that
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Rice and Chickpea Casserole
This rice and chickpea casserole is yet another staple in our home. Because this casserole is so large we always have leftovers which is great for packing my husband’s lunches. This casserole also works well as left-overs unlike some casseroles. My daughter always asks for 2nds and 3rds of this one too. It is a
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A Weekly Shopping List
Last week we talked about planning a weekly menu. I shared with you a weekly menu planning sheet that has space to plan at least 15 meals. Combining a weekly menu with a shopping list is not only good for your health but can be great for your budget too. Having a plan when you go
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Vegan Pot Pie with Cornbread Crust
This is a “usual” in our home. We have it probably 1-2 times a month. I LOVE pot pie, but wasn’t sure that it was even an option once we became vegan and plant-based. This great recipe really hits the spot! The cornbread topping is a great addition to this pot pie as well and
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