
Plant-based Veggie Lasagna, A Family Favorite
I recently finished some fun Halloween decorations for our house and thought I would share them with you. I made a Halloween banner, cut out some bats from the craft foam paper stuff and hung them from the cieling, and also make a cute little pom-pom spider. Click on the words for each decoration if

Crowd-pleasing Vegan Lasagna
We’ve had lots of company lately and this is my all-time favorite lasagna to feed to a crowd. And it doesn’t matter if it is a plant-loving or meat-loving crowd, everyone loves this lasagna with spinach and zucchini. My teenage son even says it is his favorite lasagna ever and he isn’t converted to vegan

Plant-based Shepherd’s Pie
Shepherd’s Pie. One of the ultimate comfort foods in my book. We used to eat it with a bunch of meat in it, so when I came to the realization that one of my favorite dinner-time meals could be made into a plant-based meal, and easily, I was ecstatic! How do you plant-base-erize (new word

Rice and Chickpea Casserole
This rice and chickpea casserole is yet another staple in our home. Because this casserole is so large we always have leftovers which is great for packing my husband’s lunches. This casserole also works well as left-overs unlike some casseroles. My daughter always asks for 2nds and 3rds of this one too. It is a

Vegan Pot Pie with Cornbread Crust
This is a “usual” in our home. We have it probably 1-2 times a month. I LOVE pot pie, but wasn’t sure that it was even an option once we became vegan and plant-based. This great recipe really hits the spot! The cornbread topping is a great addition to this pot pie as well and
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