plant-based life and parenting

A Husband’s perspective on a Vegan / Plant-based lifestyle
Hello everyone! My name is Joel and I’m Kristin’s husband. I thought I’d join onto her blog as a contributing author. I’m not much of a cook so I probably won’t post any recipes unless I am really ambitious and give one a shot. I leave the cooking up to my wife. I wanted to

New Family Addition
On December 11th, our sweet baby boy was born! Time is flying by faster than I can keep up and he is already 2 1/2 months old! I figured it was about time to post some pictures of him finally. I was lucky enough to have a friend who is very talented with photography and

Children’s Felt Christmas Tree
I wanted to share one of my favorite projects from this holiday season with you all. Maybe it will inspire you to either get crafty, or continue with the fun craftiness this season! I feel like Christmas time is my busiest sewing season! I have made so many things the last month or so. This

Christmas Advent Calendar
Oh ouch. I had just finished typing up this entire post.. and somehow it didn’t save and I lost it. Sad day! Hopefully I can type it all up again and not miss anything! Let me know if anything doesn’t make sense. I am so excited that I finally have an advent calendar for my

Installing (and Making) a Floating Mantle for our Stone Fireplace
Ok, I know this has nothing to do with plant-based eating, but I just had to post this fun tutorial. When my husband and I started researching how to attach a wood mantle onto a stone fireplace we had a hard time finding a tutorial that would work for us (considering the lack of tools

Plant-based NO Chicken Noodle Soup
About 15 minutes ago it was hailing outside here. I even raked my leaves earlier today. Fall is officially here. I don’t know about you but I am excited! There are so many fun things to look forward to when fall sets in. I love the holiday season and all the great traditions that come

Plant-based Thanksgiving Gravy
Life is good. Life can get crazy sometimes, but life is good! I have been so busy with projects around the house and projects for the kids and such that posting got put on the back burner. We also had our computer completely poop out on us last week. This was slightly terrifying since the

Fun New Additions
Well, we have been super busy over here! Our home is in complete disarray at the moment while we are waiting for our “wood” floors (laminate flooring) to go in. They were supposed to install it yesterday but when they arrived they informed me that we couldn’t install an island on top of the floating
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