plant-based life and parenting

3 Steps to Having a Healthy, Happy and Inexpensive Easter
Easter is this weekend! I can’t believe how time has flown. Things have been super busy for us here since we moved, and I just barely went shopping on Saturday for our Easter basket treats. I realize that most of you have probably already gone shopping for your Easter this year, but maybe this

Healthy Butterfinger Dip
Well. We officially moved to Utah. We had a last second change in plans when about 4 days before we were scheduled to leave for California my husband got a call from a buddy to interview for a job here in Utah. Long story short, he got the job, and 2 days later we left

A Day in My Life
My friend Janssen made a post a bit ago where she took pictures throughout the day and posted them stating what they did all day. I really enjoyed reading that post and thought maybe someone might find ours interesting/fun as well, so here goes! Here is a day from last week. 7:30 am, we all

A Few Faves, A Life Catch-Up, and New Years Resolutions
It’s been WAYYY too long since I last posted. A lot has happened over the last 2 months or so. Here is a little mini catch-up: Our baby boy was born on November 20th at 4:55pm. He weighed 7 lbs 5 oz, and was 20 inches long. Here are some of the fantastic photos an

Vegan Buttermilk Wheat Bran Pancakes
We have a Sunday tradition of having a pancake breakfast. My family and I look forward to this every single week! In fact, my daughter knows that if we get her up in the mornings while we’re still in p.j.’s that it’s probably Sunday and she begins chanting and cheering “Yay! Pancakes!” Over and over

Children’s Books On CD and Children’s Music Suggestions
I love listening to books on CD. Right now I’m listening to the Scorpio Races and I’m really enjoying that one. I recently discovered that our library has children’s books on CD as well and I’m so excited. I tested it out with one of Judy Schachner’s Skippyjon Jones books. My daughter who is 2

Coconut Oil, The Perfect (And Natural) Hair Product
I love coconut oil. I use it pretty much daily for a hair product. Not only does it tame my frizzy hair, but it also smells wonderful (if you get the organic kinds, that is). I use it instead of conditioner and as a smoothing “serum” after I straighten it, curl it, or even when

Choosing a Blender
Here is my own personal reviews of the 3 different blenders that I either have owned or have worked quite a bit with: About a week before Mother’s day this last May, our blender that we have used for about 3 years finally gave out on us. We loved our blender so we were really
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