plant-based life and parenting

Plant-based Diet and Pregnancy Cravings
I am now 16 1/2 weeks pregnant! Yahoo! I’ll soon get to find out the gender of our baby and I’m so excited for that.Unfortunately, the pregnancy cravings have really set in, full-force. Want to know what I’m craving? Fast food (we pretty much NEVER eat fast food..I think the last time I had fast

Feeding Kids a Plant-Based Diet: A Journey
I have had many friends ask me about my daughter’s eating habits and if I have any great ideas for how to create good eating habits. Here are some of my thoughts on the matter. The other night at dinner my daughter not only ate her bowl of salad, but asked for a 2nd,

Pregnancy and a Plant-Based/Vegan Diet
We are happy to announce that we will have another addition to our family of 3! This will be our second child and we couldn’t be happier! With our first we weren’t following anything close to a plant-based diet. We basically followed the average American diet, but perhaps even a little better than the average.

Baking with a Toddler
I love baking with my daughter. Look at that happy face! Who wouldn’t?! It’s so fun to watch her grow and learn new things through baking. Although there are plenty of times when I just want to pull my hair out or throw in the towel and say ENOUGH to the mess, I really do

Food Flops At Their Worst
I was just telling someone over on our facebook page that it takes a lot of flops when you’re trying out a new diet/lifestyle before you can really find recipes that you love and want as your family staples. Well, here are a few of my own flops that I have had recently. Flop #1:
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