
Christmas Advent Calendar
Oh ouch. I had just finished typing up this entire post.. and somehow it didn’t save and I lost it. Sad day! Hopefully I can type it all up again and not miss anything! Let me know if anything doesn’t make sense. I am so excited that I finally have an advent calendar for my
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Homemade Popcorn, A delicious healthy and easy snack
I grew up in a family that LOVES popcorn. My family traditions often included popcorn and peanut m&m’s (and still do most of the time). We hardly ever sat down to a movie together without having some popcorn at the least, but usually it was accompanied by peanut m&m’s. When I went out to college
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Mixed Berry Chia Seed Jam
My little guy is just over 2 months old now and I finally feel like I’m getting back into the swing of things. My long list of projects is finally starting to get tackled. For instance, yesterday I spent my alone time (the kids’ nap time) fixing 3 shirts that I bought a little while
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The Easiest Crock Pot Homemade Yogurt (Vegan / Plant-Based)
About a month ago I had decided that I really wanted to buy a yogurt maker. I contacted someone about buying theirs off of Craigslist for only $15. That day I happened to discover this awesome recipe from vegcharlottenc.com for making homemade yogurt with something that I already had, a crock pot. I have seen
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Choosing a Blender
Here is my own personal reviews of the 3 different blenders that I either have owned or have worked quite a bit with: About a week before Mother’s day this last May, our blender that we have used for about 3 years finally gave out on us. We loved our blender so we were really
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Nutty for Granola Bars
I love rainy days. Today it is gray outside and there has been a fair amount of rain. S (my daughter) and I went on a walk earlier and got caught out in it. When we got back home, I sat in the garage and read a book while she played in the rain. It
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Homemade Peanut Butter
I really like to have healthy peanut butter but I hate paying the price for the healthier versions. I thought to myself the other day “why not make it?” So i did. I just used my food processor and blended the ingredients and it was super tasty. I don’t think that I will always be
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Salted and Toasted Breadcrumbs, a Topping for Pastas or Salads
This is such a simple idea but it really transforms a simple meal with little effort. We have used breadcrumbs toasted and non-toasted, but it really adds that extra oomph especially to a simple spaghetti recipe. I love lentil meatballs on my spaghetti, but sometimes I really don’t feel like taking the time to make
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