vegan recipes

Healthy Banana and Craisin Muffins
Things have been crazy and fun lately. We’re trying to sell our house right now, so between adjusting to having 2 kids and trying to keep the house super clean for showings, it’s been busy. We’ve also had family in town a lot since we’re trying to take advantage of living near family before moving.

A Few Faves, A Life Catch-Up, and New Years Resolutions
It’s been WAYYY too long since I last posted. A lot has happened over the last 2 months or so. Here is a little mini catch-up: Our baby boy was born on November 20th at 4:55pm. He weighed 7 lbs 5 oz, and was 20 inches long. Here are some of the fantastic photos an

Vegan Buttermilk Wheat Bran Pancakes
We have a Sunday tradition of having a pancake breakfast. My family and I look forward to this every single week! In fact, my daughter knows that if we get her up in the mornings while we’re still in p.j.’s that it’s probably Sunday and she begins chanting and cheering “Yay! Pancakes!” Over and over

Whole Wheat Cheesecake Factory Brown Bread Recipe
I have finally finished my daughter’s Halloween costume but am planning to go this weekend to pick up one last piece for it. I will post a picture in my next post. I am so excited about it. I have started on a new project which is the flower girl dress that my daughter will

Plant-based Veggie Lasagna, A Family Favorite
I recently finished some fun Halloween decorations for our house and thought I would share them with you. I made a Halloween banner, cut out some bats from the craft foam paper stuff and hung them from the cieling, and also make a cute little pom-pom spider. Click on the words for each decoration if

Healthy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins / Bread
This last weekend we had my husband’s family in town and got to watch General Conference for our church. It’s basically a biannual conference where you watch 10 hours of great talks from the leaders of our church. We LOVE general conference weekend. Not to mention the fact that this weekend started a great trend

Pumpkin Pie Frozen Yogurt With Graham Cracker Crust, Vegan / Plant-based
It’s October! Have you figured out Halloween costumes yet? I am almost done sewing my daughter’s Halloween costume and I’m really getting excited for Halloween. I also have been working on some house decorations that have really put me in the mood for all things fall, and that includes pumpkin. It’s still pretty warm here

Pasta with Creamy Tomato Basil Sauce (Plant-based)
Today at 12 noon, I went out on my back porch and sat while my daughter played in our sandbox. The weather was LOVELY! I was sitting in the shade and there was a slight breeze, the combo of this made it feel like it was probably about 76 degrees outside (This is especially wonderful
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