
Plant-based NO Chicken Noodle Soup
About 15 minutes ago it was hailing outside here. I even raked my leaves earlier today. Fall is officially here. I don’t know about you but I am excited! There are so many fun things to look forward to when fall sets in. I love the holiday season and all the great traditions that come

Plant-based Thanksgiving Gravy
Life is good. Life can get crazy sometimes, but life is good! I have been so busy with projects around the house and projects for the kids and such that posting got put on the back burner. We also had our computer completely poop out on us last week. This was slightly terrifying since the

Fresh French Tomato Soup
Well, things are moving along here. Although my kids aren’t in school yet, it’s still a marker for me for the beginning of fall-ish time (which means pumpkin recipes!:) ) and just a new chapter of the year in general. School started for everyone here today, so we headed over to the park to soak

Plant-based Veggie Lasagna, A Family Favorite
I recently finished some fun Halloween decorations for our house and thought I would share them with you. I made a Halloween banner, cut out some bats from the craft foam paper stuff and hung them from the cieling, and also make a cute little pom-pom spider. Click on the words for each decoration if

Mushroom and Spinach Pasta Sauce
These pictures really don’t do this pasta sauce justice. I ate some for lunch one day last week and then my sister-in-law (she’s living with us until December-ish) came home and had some for lunch about an hour later… and just smelling it made me crave more, even though I wasn’t hungry. It’s super tasty

Healthy Sauteed Vegetables
The 4th of July has come and gone. I think we really should call it Independence Day as that more accurately describes why we celebrate the 4th. Sadly sometimes I fear we don’t spend enough time recognizing the true meaning of important holidays. In church yesterday we stood and sang the Star-spangled Banner and I

Veggie Spaghetti
My mother was visiting over the weekend and when I have company I want to provide good meals but I don’t want to spend all day in the kitchen. That’s no fun for me or my company, so I’m always on the lookout for plant-based (vegan) dishes that are company friendly. Not only do they

Plant-based Shepherd’s Pie
Shepherd’s Pie. One of the ultimate comfort foods in my book. We used to eat it with a bunch of meat in it, so when I came to the realization that one of my favorite dinner-time meals could be made into a plant-based meal, and easily, I was ecstatic! How do you plant-base-erize (new word
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