
Children’s Felt Christmas Tree
I wanted to share one of my favorite projects from this holiday season with you all. Maybe it will inspire you to either get crafty, or continue with the fun craftiness this season! I feel like Christmas time is my busiest sewing season! I have made so many things the last month or so. This
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Christmas Advent Calendar
Oh ouch. I had just finished typing up this entire post.. and somehow it didn’t save and I lost it. Sad day! Hopefully I can type it all up again and not miss anything! Let me know if anything doesn’t make sense. I am so excited that I finally have an advent calendar for my
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Plant-based Thanksgiving Gravy
Life is good. Life can get crazy sometimes, but life is good! I have been so busy with projects around the house and projects for the kids and such that posting got put on the back burner. We also had our computer completely poop out on us last week. This was slightly terrifying since the
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Cinnamon Walnut Pancakes and Homemade Blueberry Syrup
Mother’s day is right around the corner. There’s no better time to talk about amazingly tasty breakfasts that are perfect for breakfast in bed! The pancakes alone are so flavorful, but then you add the homemade blueberry syrup and it’s divine. My husband isn’t a fan of fruity “desserts” or almost anything fruity, so he
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3 Steps to Having a Healthy, Happy and Inexpensive Easter
Easter is this weekend! I can’t believe how time has flown. Things have been super busy for us here since we moved, and I just barely went shopping on Saturday for our Easter basket treats. I realize that most of you have probably already gone shopping for your Easter this year, but maybe this
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Valentine’s Day Healthy Thumbprint Cookies
Valentine’s day is shortly approaching. Everyone knows that Valentine’s day is notorious for being a day full of sugary, unhealthy treats that leave you feeling awful at the end of the day. Well, why not try a healthier option that still feels like a fun splurge? My daughter and I had a lot of
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Yes, I’m Still Here!
It has been a little while since I last posted. Generally I like to post 2 times a week with occasionally only posting once, but it’s been what, 2 weeks since my last post? Just wanted to let you know that yes, I am still here. Things have just been super busy over the last
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Vegan Buttermilk Wheat Bran Pancakes
We have a Sunday tradition of having a pancake breakfast. My family and I look forward to this every single week! In fact, my daughter knows that if we get her up in the mornings while we’re still in p.j.’s that it’s probably Sunday and she begins chanting and cheering “Yay! Pancakes!” Over and over
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