
Oatmeal Creations for Breakfast
I’ve mentioned that every morning for breakfast we drink a shake. Usually my daughter likes to top it off with a bowl or 2 of oatmeal as well. When we first started giving her oatmeal I wasn’t sure what to put in with it. All growing up, we pretty much did the usual brown sugar
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Good Morning Smoothie, Our Every-Morning Breakfast
Like I mentioned in the title, this is the smoothie that we drink every morning for breakfast. Most mornings, this is the only thing that I eat for breakfast, but I occasionally have a bowl of oatmeal along with my smoothie. My daughter has a bowl of oatmeal (or two!) every morning after she drinks
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Oatmeal for Two, the Perfect Plant-based Breakfast!
I love oatmeal for breakfast! I think it’s the perfect plant-based breakfast. It’s relatively quick and easy, but a little variety is helpful so I rarely make it the same way twice. Last week’s variation with blueberries and chia seeds is below. My husband Ron LOVES a smoothie for breakfast in the morning. And I’m telling you, he
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Plant-based Banana Bread Muffins
I love banana bread! I love it when I realize that we weren’t able to use up all our bananas in our smoothies. Although most of the left-over bananas are chopped up and thrown into our freezer, I still sometimes take advantage of the opportunity and make a batch of banana bread. These muffins are
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Plant-Based Cinnamon Rolls with Peanut Butter Frosting
As you probably could tell by my post on peanut butter syrup, I really like peanut butter. I am also a very big fan of cinnamon rolls, as is my husband. For a while now I have been thinking about cinnamon rolls and how unhealthy they are but how much I still love them and
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Healthy Peanut Butter Syrup
I love pancakes. If you don’t already know this about me, then you will quickly learn this fact as you check out our blog. We have pancakes every Sunday. I used to make homemade maple know the stuff that is 2 cups of sugar with 1 cup of water.. yeah that stuff. We also
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Toasted Peanut Butter and Banana sandwich
I found this wonderful idea from Why not grill your peanut butter and banana sandwich? It’s a fun twist to your everyday sandwich. I don’t know what it is about warm and melted peanut butter, but I am definitely a fan! The recipe is super easy. Take 2 slices of bread, slather your peanut butter
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Vegan Wheat & Oat Pancakes
Pancakes are a morning comfort food and sometimes even a pleasant dinner choice. This week we had pancakes for dinner one night and I wanted to share my recipe for Vegan Wheat & Oat Pancakes. I used whole grains and eliminated the eggs, milk and oil to give this family favorite a healthy twist. Above you see them
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