
Vegan Burrito Bowl with Creamy Chipotle Sauce
This is a great meal to spice up an ordinary salad. The sauce is creamy and the meal makes great leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch! Vegan Burrito Bowl with Creamy Chipotle Sauce Print Prep time 20 mins Total time 20 mins Author: Serves: 4 Ingredients 2 cups brown rice 1 can yellow corn
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Fiesta Summer Salad
The summer hot weather is officially here. We’re all looking for cool offerings for lunch and dinner. This Summer Fiesta Salad is right on target and it comes together very quickly. Totally healthy, totally vegan. We’ve had very busy days at our house the last couple of months. Last month our son James graduated from
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Anatomy of a Plant-based Meal
If you are like me sometimes you are throwing meals together at the last minute with not a lot of planning. Honestly, many (too many!) of my meals are like that. We pick up a box of produce every Thursday from the local health food store. The produce is from a local farmers coop and it is a
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Homemade Dijon Citrus Salad Dressing
Salads are crucial if you want to get a lot of great nutrients in your body. But good, healthy dressings can be a challenge. I created this Dijon Citrus Salad Dressing accidentally when I had some artichoke dipping sauce from one of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s books left over. The dipping sauce was a little too
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What is Kohlrabi?
What is Kohlrabi? I would have never known if it weren’t for my farmer’s coop distribution where I get my produce each week. Sixteen years ago I joined my first produce coop in Dallas, Texas. There was nothing sophisticated about it. We were just a group of moms, mostly from church, that wanted fresh produce in bulk from the
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How to: Make a Salad for a Toddler
If you are like me, you have often wondered, “What on earth should I feed my child?” My husband and I eat salads at least once a day, and for a while I questioned how to translate that into a meal for my 1 1/2 year old. I love the idea of giving my child
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Taco Style Salad
Over the weekend we bought a case of re-fried beans from Costco. We have been wanting to buy some for a little while but our budget never had enough room for it. I was so excited about them that I used them for our dinner salad that night. Before we decided to only eat vegan/plant
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Salad Combo Idea: Almonds, Apples, Beans, and Corn Salad
Like I’ve mentioned before in my salad on the go post, my HH(Healthy Husband) and I eat a salad a day. This means that I have to get creative. I have tried a TON of combinations and somehow they never go wrong! I usually have one bean of some sort, a nut or seed (sometimes
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