Oatmeal for Two, the Perfect Plant-based Breakfast!
I love oatmeal for breakfast! I think it’s the perfect plant-based breakfast. It’s relatively quick and easy, but a little variety is helpful so I rarely make it the same way twice. Last week’s variation with blueberries and chia seeds is below. My husband Ron LOVES a smoothie for breakfast in the morning. And I’m telling you, he
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Baking with a Toddler
I love baking with my daughter. Look at that happy face! Who wouldn’t?! It’s so fun to watch her grow and learn new things through baking. Although there are plenty of times when I just want to pull my hair out or throw in the towel and say ENOUGH to the mess, I really do
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Food Flops At Their Worst
I was just telling someone over on our facebook page that it takes a lot of flops when you’re trying out a new diet/lifestyle before you can really find recipes that you love and want as your family staples. Well, here are a few of my own flops that I have had recently. Flop #1:
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Homemade Dijon Citrus Salad Dressing
Salads are crucial if you want to get a lot of great nutrients in your body. But good, healthy dressings can be a challenge. I created this Dijon Citrus Salad Dressing accidentally when I had some artichoke dipping sauce from one of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s books left over. The dipping sauce was a little too
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A 30-Day Vegan Challenge!
Happy birthday to me! Actually, today is my wonderful husband’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Ron! It’s a perfect day to issue a challenge. May 12th is my birthday, and in a couple of days it will be 30 days from my birthday. So here’s the challenge: starting April 12th, eat a 100% plant based diet for
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Black Bean Soup, a Family Staple
I love black bean soup. The first time I had this was when I was visiting my daughter Stephanie in Idaho. I volunteered to babysit the grandkids while she ran some errands, and she left a black bean soup recipe for me to fix for lunch. I’ve since veganized (is that a word?) the recipe and
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Plant-based Banana Bread Muffins
I love banana bread! I love it when I realize that we weren’t able to use up all our bananas in our smoothies. Although most of the left-over bananas are chopped up and thrown into our freezer, I still sometimes take advantage of the opportunity and make a batch of banana bread. These muffins are
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How to: Make Vegan Burgers Using Last Night’s Soup
As previously promised, here is the recipe for making burgers using last night’s soup! I love the idea of this because sometimes I really want burgers, but I really don’t feel like putting in all that extra work that comes with home-made vegan burgers. Another thing that I love is that it uses your left-overs
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