quick and easy

Fresh French Tomato Soup
Well, things are moving along here. Although my kids aren’t in school yet, it’s still a marker for me for the beginning of fall-ish time (which means pumpkin recipes!:) ) and just a new chapter of the year in general. School started for everyone here today, so we headed over to the park to soak

Homemade Popcorn, A delicious healthy and easy snack
I grew up in a family that LOVES popcorn. My family traditions often included popcorn and peanut m&m’s (and still do most of the time). We hardly ever sat down to a movie together without having some popcorn at the least, but usually it was accompanied by peanut m&m’s. When I went out to college

Vegan Green Goddess Rice
In March, we planted some vegetables in our backyard. And when I say “we” I mean, my husband. My husband has a green thumb. I repeat, MY HUSBAND has a green thumb. I have though, very much enjoyed the fruits of his labor. We happen to have basil coming out of our ears right now

Vegan Quesadillas
Remember those vegan quesadillas I talked about? Well here they are! Sounds weird that a quesadilla could be vegan but these ones are and they are so delicious! The first time I made this for dinner I got a text from my husband at lunch time the next day telling me he was dreaming of

Spicy Black Bean Soup
Hello! I’m new here! My name is Danielle and I am Kristin’s cousin. I am so thrilled to be working with her on this blog! We are buddies. Cue adorable childhood photo (yeah, don’t worry, I was always awkwardly taller than everyone else)- I’m currently working and living in Arizona while my husband, Sean, is

Homemade Granola with Almonds, Craisins and Chocolate
On Sunday someone from my church brought some homemade granola for everyone, and it was so tasty that I decided that little amount wasn’t enough. So I researched some granola recipes and made some of my own! I found the recipe on Chow.com. Here is the link for that recipe: http://www.chow.com/recipes/30062-basic-granola It calls for honey,

Mixed Berry Chia Seed Jam
My little guy is just over 2 months old now and I finally feel like I’m getting back into the swing of things. My long list of projects is finally starting to get tackled. For instance, yesterday I spent my alone time (the kids’ nap time) fixing 3 shirts that I bought a little while

Healthy Sauteed Vegetables
The 4th of July has come and gone. I think we really should call it Independence Day as that more accurately describes why we celebrate the 4th. Sadly sometimes I fear we don’t spend enough time recognizing the true meaning of important holidays. In church yesterday we stood and sang the Star-spangled Banner and I
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