Healthy Desserts

Homemade Granola with Almonds, Craisins and Chocolate
On Sunday someone from my church brought some homemade granola for everyone, and it was so tasty that I decided that little amount wasn’t enough. So I researched some granola recipes and made some of my own! I found the recipe on Here is the link for that recipe: It calls for honey,
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Healthy Butterfinger Dip
Well. We officially moved to Utah. We had a last second change in plans when about 4 days before we were scheduled to leave for California my husband got a call from a buddy to interview for a job here in Utah. Long story short, he got the job, and 2 days later we left
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Valentine’s Day Healthy Thumbprint Cookies
Valentine’s day is shortly approaching. Everyone knows that Valentine’s day is notorious for being a day full of sugary, unhealthy treats that leave you feeling awful at the end of the day. Well, why not try a healthier option that still feels like a fun splurge? My daughter and I had a lot of
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Healthy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins / Bread
This last weekend we had my husband’s family in town and got to watch General Conference for our church. It’s basically a biannual conference where you watch 10 hours of great talks from the leaders of our church. We LOVE general conference weekend. Not to mention the fact that this weekend started a great trend
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Pumpkin Pie Frozen Yogurt With Graham Cracker Crust, Vegan / Plant-based
It’s October! Have you figured out Halloween costumes yet? I am almost done sewing my daughter’s Halloween costume and I’m really getting excited for Halloween. I also have been working on some house decorations that have really put me in the mood for all things fall, and that includes pumpkin. It’s still pretty warm here
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Spiced Carrot Cake Muffins
Oh boy! These are so stinkin’ good. I really loved every bite of these flavorful muffins. My sister-in-law and I discussed after eating them that we both felt like there was more sugar in them than there was because they were perfectly sweet. They tasted like a yummy (and yet healthy) dessert. I think that
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Healthy Strawberry and Banana Ice Cream – 4 different ways!
I love summer! I grew up in Florida and Texas and because of this I have developed a love for warmer weather. I didn’t realize how much of a love I have for warm weather until I went out to college (In Idaho, and then in Utah) where the weather sometimes(often times in Idaho’s case)
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Healthy Double Chocolaty Chip Frappe (Caffeine Free)
I grew up loving Starbuck’s Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino (which by the way is one of the few items on Starbuck’s menu that is caffeine-free). This was something that I have built into myself to crave every time I walk into an airport. I got them a lot, but for some reason, every time I
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